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How to speed upwardly your net connection – 15 tips and tricks
Suffering under slow internet speeds? Not getting the speeds you're paying for? This guide volition walk you through over a dozen tips to help speed up your internet connexion.
UPDATED: September 6, 2019
Are you stuck wondering why your internet seems to exist tedious all.the.fourth dimension ? There's a good gamble you, like nearly other people, are suffering from one of many problems that could be slowing downwards your cyberspace speed. Whether you accept too many devices on your network, using onetime hardware, or accept interference from other wireless signals, in that location are a number of reasons why your internet may be far slower than it should be.
Here are 15 methods you tin use to assist speed up your internet connectedness.
Kickoff: Check your speed
Before doing anything to convalesce a potential internet speed problem, you lot'll need to know two things:
- How much speed you're supposed to be getting from your Isp
- How much speed you're actually getting
Prior to running a speed test, we advise that you check your ISP service business relationship to encounter what kind of speed you're paying for. For example, I currently receive internet access through Comcast. For $89.95/month, I'm supposed to be getting up to 100 Mbps. Comcast doesn't spell out exactly how much speed I'k getting anywhere on my account, however. Information technology merely states the service package I'm using. I simply know my verbal speed because I recently changed the terms of my business relationship, however, I could use the service package name to look that information up on their website as well.
You may need to do some legwork to research what your service package offers if your Internet service provider doesn't have the speed maximums and minimums listed on your account. A quick method may be to contact the company either by phone or live online conversation to effigy out what your bitrate is supposed to be.
Also, note the "upwards to" part. All ISPs will advertise a maximum or minimum potential speed you could get with what you pay. Even so, you volition likely never actually achieve the advertised maximum speed, and your speed may fall below the listed minimum. Advertising a theoretical maximum or minimum speed is a common tactic ISPs use to attract customers. Merely declining to achieve those speeds is as well just a consequence of having to share the bandwidth with your neighbors. At any given time, your actual speeds will vary every bit more or fewer people about y'all using the same Internet service provider are as well streaming Netflix videos or playing games online.
Running an net speed test
Subsequently you've identified the speed y'all're supposed to be getting, you should run a few internet speed tests.
Before running your speed tests, we recommend turning off any other information-intensive activities. That includes pausing downloads, turning off online games, and turning off streaming videos or music. The more devices y'all accept running, the slower your available internet speed (something nosotros'll get into later), so y'all'll want to get every bit authentic a measure of your speed every bit possible.
Ideally, you will want to run your speed test during the hours y'all would normally be using your cyberspace. For weekdays, that'southward typically in the forenoon or evening hours. On weekends, information technology could be anytime during the mean solar day.
Nonetheless, it ultimately doesn't matter when you run your speedtest. All that matters is that you lot run your before and after speed tests around the same fourth dimension, and that you apply the same speed testing website to run both tests. This will ensure y'all collect an accurate reading when determining whether the below methods work for you.
Here's one example what my mid-mean solar day speed test results look like:
I used Internet Health Test for this report. Nigh people opt for for these tests, simply Speedtest.internet is not the merely internet speed testing selection, nor is it the best i available. Some sites, like, just check internet speed through a sample download and upload to one server. However, other services, such equally Internet Health Examination, really exam the amount of congestion on your ISP's network to determine speed.
Nosotros recommend testing your speed using a few different services. These tests typically take under 30 seconds.
Additionally, y'all'll discover a lot of variation among speed exam outcome shown below. Your bandwidth tin can fluctuate a lot during the twenty-four hours, as mine did while testing these methods. And as this guide was written over the class of several days, y'all'll see a variety of speed results, all coming from the aforementioned network.
Hither are boosted speed results from other pop internet speed testing sites.
There are other speed testing websites out in that location, just these four should cover your needs and provide the most accurate assay of your available upload and download bandwidth.
You may even want to simply test your speed the one-time-fashioned way: downloading a file and recording how long the file takes to download.
Beyond the different methods, you'll encounter a lot of variation. This is why information technology'southward of import to try out a few services, equally they can all give diverse readings. However, you may want to stick with one or two that announced to be the near consistent.
With that out of the way, hither are a few speed boosting tips y'all might want to explore.
Related post: Internet Connexion Monitoring Software
Tips to speed up your internet connexion
There's no one way to heave your internet speed. Your speed could exist suffering from a number of unrelated reasons, so it's in your all-time interest to explore as many avenues as possible. With each step you try, we too recommend re-running your speed tests to meet whether or non you are achieving any noticeable results.
Tip #one: Plough off unused or extra internet-connected devices
In most cases, your unused internet-connected devices are sipping marginal amounts of your bandwidth. However, if you take multiple phones, tablets, smart TVs, computers, smart dwelling house devices, and video game consoles sharing your home network, all of that data usage can add up and result in reduced available bandwidth.
Additionally, you lot may remember that your devices are sitting idle, but if they're on, they're likely yet using data. Many devices are now gear up to automatically download and install updates every bit they get available. That'south not merely system updates, either. That includes individual app updates. And if you're running a lot of smart dwelling devices, these may be drawing a big corporeality of bandwidth every bit they are often always on and will likely automatically install firmware updates.
As such, y'all could have multiple devices downloading updates regularly and simultaneously throughout the solar day without your cognition.
Hopefully, you ran a few speed tests beforehand under normal atmospheric condition. Now, try going through your house and turning off the majority of your internet-connected devices, or at a minimum, turning off the wifi connection on those devices. Run your internet speed tests again and expect to run into if you can discover any uptick in download speeds.
To show you what we mean, I purposefully streamed videos from 3 dissimilar sources at the same time: a mobile device, a laptop, and a smart TV. Here was my speed test outcome:
And here's the result after turning off all of the videos streams and shutting off ii of the devices (smartphone and smart Tv set):
That's a 37.v percent increase in my cyberspace speed. Keep in mind that I also earlier stated I'm paying Comcast for upwards to 100 Mbps. I'm conspicuously non getting anywhere close to that, fifty-fifty at ii:00 in the afternoon on a Thursday, which is nonetheless inside the off-pinnacle hours.
However, shutting down some of your e'er-on internet connected devices should assist free up some bandwidth, and in some cases, assistance with buffering bug.
Router fixes and hacks
Tip #2: Find a better spot for your wireless router
Wireless routers work past sending radio signals outward in all directions. However, as those signals are very loftier frequency, they accept a relatively brusk range. Additionally, as with all radio signals, they tin can deadening down or become blocked past objects in their path, degrading the quality of the point and reducing your wifi internet speeds.
1 fashion to boost your speed is to relocate your router. If you lot're ordinarily using your internet close to your router, you're probably fine. But if your router is located behind objects and in the corner of your house, your speed problems could be related to distance or obstacles.
For example, with my router located behind my Television receiver, on the other terminate of my business firm (about 35 feet away), and with a door closed, my speed test results were as follows:
After moving my router to a more than open up position and opening the door to remove actress interference, my results were better:
That's a 36.five per centum speed increase merely by changing ii small things.
It may not be possible to relocate your router. However, information technology should be possible to reduce the number of obstacles, specially metallic ones, that might be directly in the path of your router'south signals.
Tip #3: Reboot your router
When your computer starts acting a chip sluggish after running for a few days straight, what do you do? That's right, you reboot it. Doing and then helps clear cached retentiveness and whatever background processes you don't need, making your estimator run faster (until information technology develops a excess again).
Your wireless router is also a small calculator. It holds retentiveness and background processes and caches data. It can also do good from the occasional reset to get things going just right again. And after a reset, it will reconnect to various data channels, often resulting in landing you on a more than efficient, less-crowded channel.
For example, I ran a speed test before resetting my own router:
And then ran another exam afterwards:
My internet speed jumped xiv percent afterwards the router reset. Not as large an impact as some other methods, only too non small potatoes either.
To effectively reset your router, practice the following:
- Completely remove your router'southward ability cord
- Expect 15-30 seconds seconds
- Turn your device back on and await until it begins broadcasting a connection
You should discover that your router is finer cleared and hopefully with a chip of a speed boost.
Tip #four: Change your wireless router's channel
In tip #3, we briefly mentioned wireless router channels. Wireless routers will broadcast their signal on a specific wavelength, or channel. Many routers have 14 available channels, although some do have more. Current wireless routers typically operate between the 2400 to 2500 Megahertz radio bands. With the channels dissever into 14 parts between that, there is a lot of overlap in all of the channels except for three: 1, half dozen, and eleven. These channels have some, but far less overlap.
If you alive in a suburban or urban community, there's a good adventure your devices can pick up multiple wifi signals from your neighbors. Virtually routers will automatically pick an available channel, but may not pick up the most efficient or to the lowest degree-crowded one. And there's a good chance you'll have a lot of routers sending off signals and sharing the same channel.
The inherent problem here is that if your wireless router is using, for example, channel ane, and your neighbor is using channel 2, you lot'll get pregnant interference. Each channel heading toward 2500MHz causes interference for the lower channel.
Most routers volition now allow you to manually change the aqueduct it's broadcasting on. In an ideal world, anybody would be on the same aqueduct or on channels that don't collaborate so in that location'd be less interference, but that would require you to collude with your neighbors. Instead, attempt shifting to aqueduct i, 6 or 11 using your router's settings.
Presently, my router is set up to channel 7. I happen to alive in a more rural community besides. And so while I tin option upwardly a few wifi signals, I don't have enough neighbors to make a deviation by irresolute the aqueduct.
As an experiment, I tested my speed while on channel 7:
And then tested over again on channel 1:
As you can see, there was no significant difference. However, that's likely only because I have an platonic scenario where interference would exist highly unlikely.
Tip # 5: Increment wifi range using DIY hacks and tricks
If your master problem with your internet speed is the distance from your wireless router, and your router is unfortunately stuck in 1 location, you exercise have some options.
Exterior of purchasing a faster router, y'all could hack your router to boost its bespeak. One option is to install new firmware onto your device, allowing information technology to output more than power. Router firmware options such as DD-WRT and Tomato allow you to gain more command over what your router can do, potentially improving your speed. DD-WRT provides detailed guides for how to install its software on your router, based on your make and model.
There are other tricks you can employ to increment your wifi range as well, many of which we've already covered in another article available here. We too accept a detailed guide on how to make a DIY wifi extender.
Tip #vi: Check to come across if you lot have unwanted guests using your wifi
If you're using an unsecured wifi connectedness, cease what you're doing and secure information technology right abroad. If you're in an urban or suburban area with an unsecured wifi connexion, in that location's a good risk i of your neighbors or anyone else is hopping onto your wifi and using upwardly your bandwidth. They may exist doing this intentionally or unintentionally, as many devices are set to automatically connect to whatsoever unsecured wifi connection bachelor.
Once you've double checked your security, you can scan your router'southward connection logs to determine who else is currently or has been connected to your dwelling's wifi.
You may need to check your router's instructions for the proper LAN IP address to connect to the router through a web browser. Many use or, but yours may also other LAN IPs. My router uses 10.10.x.254.
One time I've logged into the interface, I tin can go to several different areas to cheque on what devices are connected to my wifi. Your router'south interface may label this differently. For me, I can detect the log of continued devices nether "Network" or under "Wireless."
Here, I can see that there are half-dozen named devices currently connected to my router:
If yous see a section shows Hostname, MAC Address and IP Address as labels, you've plant what you're looking for. You'll need to draw your attention to Hostname in particular, as this will indicate the proper name of the devices continued to your network.
In most cases, you can give devices connecting to your network a name of your choosing. I often don't, just information technology tin can help you guarantee you know what devices are connecting to your network.
Higher up, I have 6 devices connected to my network, each showing a dissimilar proper name. I know what all 6 of these devices are, just you may non know every device if you lot have a lot of smart habitation devices with generic names.
You lot may also accept a state of affairs where it looks similar there are unnamed devices connected to your network (as is the case in a higher place). In that case, bank check to see if your router'southward settings has a "Connected Users" department.
If you meet a device or user that you believe shouldn't be there, you tin can endeavour blocking that device if your wireless router'south settings requite you that option. I found my router gives me no option in the settings to block individual devices.
A unproblematic solution is to change your wifi password. This will force whatever device to require a reconnect with the new password. It may be tedious as you lot'll have to reconnect all of your connected devices again, merely it may exist worth information technology if yous have a wifi freeloader using up your bandwidth.
Tip #7: Use a wired connectedness
If yous have devices shut enough to your wireless router and modem, yous may want to consider using a wired ethernet connexion where possible. Non only will you feel faster speeds through the wired ethernet connexion, but you tin salvage bandwidth in your domicile wifi network for other devices.
You can either connect an ethernet string direct to an available port on your wireless router, or on your modem. You lot may or may not run across results through this method, withal. In attempting to produce college speeds through this method, I only saw marginal results. That said, I also do not have an extra ethernet port on my cable modem. You may feel better results if you connect directly to your modem instead of through your wireless router.
That besides brings us to our next tip.
Boosted solutions to increase internet speed
Tip #8: Purchase a new computer, router, or modem
Sometime equipment could exist the direct cause of your slow internet connection. And we're not simply talking an old wireless router or modem. Nosotros also mean old and outdated computers, laptops, mobile devices, or other equipment.
An erstwhile wireless router, for example, may non be using the newest wifi standards. Your wifi router's technology allows information technology to support higher streaming bitrates. The more widely adopted 802.11ac standard tin back up a far higher bitrate than the previous generation, 802.11n.

If your router is more than than five years old, it could exist the reason you lot're getting far less speed than you lot're paying for.
Don't disbelieve the impact your figurer or laptop might exist having on your slow cyberspace speeds as well. Just as newer routers can utilize available frequencies more efficiently, new devices will be designed to work with them. If you're using an older computer, mobile device, gaming system, or other internet-connected equipment, it cannot work with newer standards. Most new devices will support older wireless standards, merely older equipment won't work with a standard that didn't be when they were manufactured. As such, you'll be speed-express.
Here's a skilful example of what using an older calculator on a new network might await like.
I ran a speed examination on my current figurer which has the following specs:
Asus ZenBook
- Windows 10
- Intel Core i5-7000 CPU @ 2.50Ghz
- 8.00 GB RAM
- 64-bit Operating Organization, x64-based processor
- 802.11n wireless adapter
With the post-obit results:
Meanwhile, I ran a speed examination on an older computer with these specs:
HP Green-eyed
- Windows 8.ane
- Intel Core i5-4200M @ 2.fifty GHz
- 6.00 GB
- 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
- 64-based processor
- 802.11b/g/n wireless adapter
With noticeably worse results:
There was a significant departure betwixt the 2 speed tests. The older laptop's more express processing power resulted in slower net speeds. In fact, on the HP Envy, the more express processing power often results in more than than 90 percentage lower speeds run through that computer. Here's a Speedtest.internet result I received on the older HP Envy:
Part of that lower speed from Speedtest.internet shows a combination of two things: the impact lower processing ability tin have on realized internet speeds, and the inherent problems with Speedtest.cyberspace, which loads upward a agglomeration of advertisements that can skew the results a scrap.
For many consumers, upgrading equipment tin can be an understandably expensive affair. As such, your all-time choice is to outset upgrade your wireless router if it'southward more than than 5 years erstwhile. And if you're doing a large amount of video streaming, you lot may want to consider a newer, dedicated streaming device, such as a Roku or Amazon Fire Goggle box Stick, every bit these devices will employ newer wireless adapters and allow y'all to stream video in higher quality without having to pay the price for a new mobile device or computer.
Alternatively, yous may be able to update merely your PC or laptop with network cards and processors. This can allow you to relish faster speeds without paying for entirely new equipment. Or, you can purchase a USB wireless adapter that can employ newer standards, saving money over purchasing a new figurer.
Tip #9: Check your job manager and turn off unwanted background processes
While most applications on your computer aren't constantly drawing on your available bandwidth, some are designed to continuously upload and download data. Web browsers are a key offender, as are online file storage applications like Dropbox, or automatic information backup services similar AOMEI Backupper.
On a Windows figurer, you can check your Task Director to see which apps are pulling downwards data. You can get to Task Director by typing in "Chore Director" in your system search bar or past pressing ALT+CTRL+DEL and selecting Chore Manager from the menu.
After opening Task Director, do a uncomplicated scan of your Network section. If nix on your computer is drawing data at the moment, it will read 0%. But if there'southward an application or process drawing data, you lot'll come across some fluctuations in that per centum. If yous find a process drawing data on your network, y'all can shut it downwardly easily from task manager.
For Mac Bone Ten users, the process you lot're looking for is called Action Monitor. Yous tin can open the Action Monitor by opening up Spotlight and typing in "Activeness Monitor" in the search bar.
Related: You tin can also look into using a bandwidth limiter to control application usage
Tip #10: Find a software solution
At that place'south a chance that software, not hardware, is at the middle of your internet bug. Software problems can range from old firmware running on your router to viruses infecting your estimator.
You may desire to attempt the following software fixes:
Cheque your router for firmware updates
Your router's manufacturer may have firmware updates waiting that need to exist manually installed. If your router has a touchscreen, you tin can check for firmware updates there. Otherwise, you lot may need to log into your router's settings using a web browser and check to see if at that place are any available firmware updates. In most cases, nevertheless, your manufacturer will push these firmware updates automatically and they'll install without your direct input.
Update your spider web browser
Are you using the latest version of your internet browser? If not, you lot'll want to update to the newest version available. Alternatively, you lot might desire to explore various other spider web browsers to see which i might offer you the fastest, virtually secure browsing experience.
Here'southward how dissimilar browsers tin bear on your speed and speed exam results:
Internet Explorer eleven:
Microsoft Edge:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome:
Windows app:
As y'all can run across, the web browser you use tin make a difference in both upload and download speeds. And this, once more, goes back to processing power. Different browsers are congenital to procedure data more or less efficiently, then the browser can have an affect on how apace websites and video streams load. The differences between Chrome, Firefox and the separate Speedtest app were marginal, but all three outclassed Microsoft's browsers past a large margin.
Articulate your web browser enshroud
Your browser stores cookies and other files to assistance y'all load sites faster. Even so, the cache can as well be the reason you lot might find slower page loading results or loading errors. Clearing cache can assistance load pages and services faster in the long run.
Run an antivirus
Mysteriously slow connections could also exist the effect of a virus on your computer. Malware, spyware or other types of viruses could be hiding on your organization, sending and receiving data. As a result, you could be getting less speed than you want because a virus on your machine is using up a chunk of your available bandwidth. Additionally, malware could be drawing on your processing power, resulting in a like effect on the infected auto.
Nosotros suggest starting with a gratis antivirus or malware removal program first. Beyond that, you may find some valuable protection using a paid malware removal option.
Tip #xi: Buy a wifi repeater, range extender, or mesh network adapter
For some internet users, moving the wireless router to a more than centralized location is just not an choice. In those cases, you may want to purchase a wifi repeater, range extender, or upgrade to a mesh network.
Wifi repeaters and extenders
As the name suggests, a wifi repeater volition become the signal from your wireless router and rebroadcast information technology outward. There are obvious limitations here. Whatsoever the strength the signal is when it's received by the repeater is the starting strength it will echo outward. So if you've lost half of your point strength by the time it hits the repeater, information technology will only ship out a bespeak at half strength itself. You'll too demand to deal with increased bug of latency. Still, a repeater is often a good, cheap pick if you don't accept a lot of devices continued to your network and you're merely trying to accomplish a niggling bit further with your router's range.

A wireless extender works most the same way as a repeater. The key difference betwixt the 2 is that a wireless extender typically sends the bespeak it receives over a different channel. Some network extenders piece of work through a wired method that allows you to extend your network signal at the same strength as the router, but from a different location, eliminating some of the issues with typical repeaters or extenders.
Mesh networks
Amongst the newest types of wireless systems, mesh networks get their proper noun from the way they create wifi coverage. Past placing several devices around your home, each sending off a wireless signal, you create a "mesh" or network of wireless coverage around your habitation. This helps eliminate dead or weak spots.
The devices in a mesh network operate similarly to a repeater, except that each device operates like an individual wireless router instead of just repeating a indicate. And each device communicates with the other devices in the mesh network to aid ensure you get the best bespeak regardless of where you are located.

Google Wi-Fi is currently one of the nigh popular mesh networks available, but there are others on the market equally well. These systems are typically more expensive than a elementary repeater or extender, however, and are more designed for larger homes and buildings. Just consider this choice if you take a big habitation and need the actress coverage.
Tip #12: Only use 1 firewall at a time
Information technology'south likely that your operating system automatically puts upwards a firewall for your net connectedness. A firewall is a form of network security that filters your incoming and approachable information. It's designed to prevent security breaches onto your organisation, although it's far from perfect.
Simply by the nature of its functioning, a firewall will slightly slow down your potential internet speeds. If y'all happen to accept additional software installed, such as a virtual individual network (VPN) or antivirus, yous may experience additional slowdowns besides equally these services may add additional layers that result in slower connectedness speeds. Antivirus programs often include their own firewalls on top of the 1 already included with your operating organization, while VPNs add multiple layers of protection to your connexion and ultimately lead to decreased download speeds.
To increase your speed, you may desire to go down to just one firewall. And if yous're using a VPN, you may desire to turn it off when you lot demand to increase your download speeds. (Of grade, if your needs require the use of a VPN, you lot may demand to investigate switching to a VPN that offers faster speeds through its servers.)
Tip #13: Hack your DNS
All ISPs use what are known equally Domain Name Servers to help translate the text you into your web address bar (for case, world wide into numbers. As computers are bad at reading evidently text, that conversion into the requisite IP numbers is important.
While your Isp will use a dedicated DNS, those servers tin can be slow, which results in a reduction in your internet speed, and especially faster folio load times. I trick might exist to change your computer'due south DNS settings so that your computer will use a different DNS server when connecting to various websites and services.
There are various DNS servers you can utilise. Among the fastest are Google'southward Public DNS and OpenDNS.
Permit'due south look at how to access the Google's Public DNS.
First, hither's a speed test prior to changing my DNS settings. And since we're changing to Google Public DNS, we'll employ Google'southward speed test option simply for fun:
Now, let's alter the DNS settings:
- Open up your Control Panel
- Get to Network & Cyberspace > Network Sharing Center >
- Right click on either your or ethernet connection (depending on which you're using), and then click on Properties
- In the new box, find and click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then select Properties
- On this screen, you'll run across "Obtain DNS server automatically", which should exist preselected. Click on "Employ the following DNS addresses" and enter the post-obit:
Preferred: 8.viii.8.8
Alternate: 8.eight.iv.four
I recognized a 32 pct increase in speed using this method. However, your results may vary, equally your Internet access provider's DNS might actually be faster than either Google DNS or OpenDNS.
You can cheque Google'due south Public DNS page for more data, including Mac Bone instructions. If you desire to try using OpenDNS, you can check their how-to page as well.
For more DNS options, you may want to download and utilise the free DNS Benchmark awarding. This plan will examination available DNS servers and list them based on fastest response times. You can then use the address of the fastest DNS, as well equally run into what DNS your Isp is using.
However, make certain not to buy into some of the false claims about switching your DNS. Some sites mistakenly claim that changing your DNS tin double your speed or more than. This is non true. There's a practiced chance you may not see any changes in your speed at all with this method. What changes you do see may exist beneficial, merely not dramatic.
Tip #14: Use a VPN to bypass Isp throttling
If you discover that your cyberspace connection but seems to slow down at certain times, or when you endeavor to admission specific websites (such as Netflix), there's a take chances you're existence throttled past your ISP.
ISP throttling is the term we utilise to describe when an internet access provider purposely slows down a user's internet connection. There are a number of reasons why your ISP might be doing this, which tin include:
- ISP policies confronting using certain websites (such every bit torrenting sites)
- Wide throttling during periods of loftier congestion (known as the "Net Blitz Hour")
- Purposeful throttling of sure data-intensive websites, such every bit online streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime number Video
- Enforced data caps
If you have an internet programme with a data cap, there's little you lot can exercise once y'all achieve that cap. The type of speed throttling that occurs in that case is delivered through different methods.
However, if your Isp is throttling your speeds every bit y'all attempt to access certain websites, you can bypass that throttling using a virtual private network, or VPN.
A VPN will encrypt your cyberspace connexion in a private tunnel between yous and the VPN servers. From in that location, you can access any website without your ISP knowing what sites or services you're using. Every bit a outcome, your internet service provider is forced to treat all of your cyberspace traffic the aforementioned, finer bypassing whatsoever automated filtering that might occur due to the sites or services yous're trying to access.
It should be noted, however, that a VPN will result in some speed loss. Due to the extra layers your connection must laissez passer and potential congestion on the VPN servers, there is some natural loss of speed.
For more than, check out our longer guide covering the best VPNs to bypass bandwidth throttling.
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Tip #xv: Upgrade your service package (if you can)
Consider this one your "terminal-ditch effort". If you lot've tried everything and zero appears to be boosting your internet connection speed, your last option may just be to purchase more bandwidth from your ISP.
If you've been on the same service package for a few years, this might actually be a skillful idea. ISPs tend to update their plans regularly, offering new discounts and increasing speeds for new customers. Yet, they frequently don't grandfather sometime customers into these new plans, instead withal charging college rates for less bandwidth. Eventually, you might find that you lot're paying for far less speed than yous should be getting had you lot signed upwardly more recently.
Tip: Yous can cheque internet providers in yous surface area here.
Ane trick is to call your ISP and threaten to leave for another company unless you become more speed (or more nicely, to but enquire about getting better speed with what you're paying). This will require some patience as you may become transferred up the concatenation of command. However, ultimately, you lot tin go your ISP to offering y'all "off the menu" service packages that include higher speeds for better rates than you lot might be getting at the time. (On a personal annotation, I've washed this with Comcast, and it took well-nigh 3 hours of getting transferred around from manager to director until someone finally gave in.)
Nevertheless, if you're already getting the maximum corporeality of speed that y'all can get from your Internet service provider, you might demand to shop around for a new service provider—if you can observe one. If you lot're a U.S. resident, there'south a good chance you only have access to one provider offering speeds of 25 Mbps or more than. And considering thirty% of U.S. residents but have i Isp to choose from at all, you may, unfortunately, be stuck with what you lot accept.
Tip #16: Check your Isp for service interruptions
Perhaps a "last-ditch" try, your poor internet connection speeds or connexion bug could be due to a service interruption that's across your control. For example, there could be faults in your Isp'due south infrastructure that aren't consistent, leading your Internet access provider to written report no issues, even if you're regularly experiencing slowdowns or interruptions.
Isp networks are complicated. If you've checked your ain modem, wifi router, cables, and other potential problem areas in your home, and you're notwithstanding dealing with dull speeds, your Internet access provider may exist working with damaged, degraded, or faulty equipment.
Unfortunately, your ISP won't always admit to this. However, if there are no other explanations for service interruptions or slow internet speeds (and specially lower speeds than what you lot're paying to receive), you lot may exist able to coax your Isp into servicing their network. There's also a good take chances your neighbors are likewise struggling with the same problem, and no one has nonetheless reported it.
There are some tools you can use to decide if you have an unreported outage or unaddressed network problem., for example, allows you lot to install software or hardware that monitors your network at the neighborhood level. You tin gather the evidence you lot need to help persuade a reluctant ISP that there's a service interruption beyond your control.
Alternatively, join a community Facebook grouping or forum, and enquire your neighbors if anyone else is also experiencing this problem. A critical mass of complaints to your Internet service provider might inspire the visitor to come investigate a problem that doesn't show up easily on their end.
Regardless of the method you utilize, information technology's important to remember that the speed of your is an incredibly complex subject. Different technologies must integrate properly to help connect you to the web. If any i of those technologies goes wrong, it could event in a noticeable disruption to your internet speed, and rooting out the exact cause can accept some time.
" Total Speed " by Jeremy Segrott licensed under CC BY ii.0
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